Friday, October 24, 2008

Farm Wildflowers


ShellyD said...

Beautiful. My favourite is the soft bluish one at the bottom.

Capt Elaine Magliacane said...

Great shots of wildflowers... and oliver has such a sweet face... will he become a pet?

Zachary and Jennifer said...

Great Pictures!

ps. I am having problems commenting on your farm blog and Mad Bush Farm blog... Commenting works on this blog. My browser seems to not like the commenting format on them. I hope I can figure it out soon. Probably some dumb setting on my browser...


Liz said...

Hey there girl AWESOME!!!!Going to post up about this blog and my new one as well. I've been having trouble as well with the commenting and not just with yours. Google is not being fair!!!!

Amy said...

oooh you have some pretty flowers! I'm just about to add you to my photography blog too :-)

Welcome To Wilmoth Farms said...

Thanks guys...and Elaine I wish Oliver was staying as a pet, and thats what I made him into - which wasnt smart considering how much I fell in love with him, but no job for a steer around here....I'm sad to say that he'll be sold in the spring...and I'll cry for weeks I'm sure!
Jennifer - I think everyone has that problem...I can hardly ever leave a comment on yours or Elaines or Liz's blogs too! Just tempermental I guess???? Let me know when its up liz, and thanks amy I've been enjoying yours alot